I'm thinking about revitalizing this blog, mostly so I can start getting thoughts down about ongoing projects, such as my ventures into the Modern format of Magic: the Gathering. I've been playing Modern fairly regularly again and it's been going really well. I'm still rocking the Blue/Red Delver of Secrets/Young Pyromancer deck (hereafter referred to as UR Delver) that has been my pet project for about a year now.
Here is a decklist if you're interested.
Well, let's
delve(r) into today's results!
Round 1: Grixis Control
I've played against this deck a few times, piloted by the awesome Brian. He's good at the deck (and others) and I always enjoy seeing and playing him; he definitely gives me a run for my money.
Game 1 was long. I kept a pretty decent hand, but he managed to control out my threats. Eating an Electrolyze on a Pyromancer + Snapcaster definitely hurt. With him having a resolved and flipped Jace, Vryn's Prodigy and me on essentially nothing, I scooped.
Game 2 went better. I kept 7, eventually drawing into Sword of Fire and Ice. With a couple of Snapcasters in hand, I pushed one through, applied the Sword, and managed to protect both into the win. I'm finding the SoFaI is very strong as a 1-of, at least in this meta. Kologhan's Command can wreck me with it, and has before, but if I manage to keep a Spell Pierce or decent Remand, the Sword is protected and I am almost a lock to win the game. I definitely would not want more than 1, however, as it is very expensive and does not help my Delver flips.
Game 3 ended up as a slugfest draw, though I believe I would've very narrowly won had we not gone to time. I resolved an early Blood Moon, throwing Brian's mana off enough to keep him from getting too far ahead, but he was able to control my threats and managed to ultimate Jace, Vryn's Prodigy and start milling me hard. I managed to get two flipped Delvers however by Turn 4 after time, and would've have carried through (I believe) if I'd have gotten one more turn.
Record: 0-0-1
Round 2: Mono-Blue Tron
At this point I was a bit nervous, thinking my luck had turned sour this week. But I felt confident against Kazuu's Mono-Blue Tron deck, having played well against him last week. The matchup is good for me I think, but it can be hard to climb back, as you will see.
Game 1 was an easy and probably undeserved win for me. I kept a 1-land hand on the play, resolving and flipping a Delver, then following it up with Grim Lavamancer. I kept the pressure going and Kazuu did not do anything about my Delver. He eventually reached Tron and played a Wurmcoil Engine (very powerful against me), but I was able to Vapor Snag it away and swing for the win.
Game 2 did not go as well. My hand had more lands, but was much slower, even after a mulligan to 6. Some solid Condescends kept me from resolving a threat, and when he resolved Wurmcoil Engine and countered one of my two Lightning Bolts against it, I scooped.
Game 3 was... interesting. I kept a 7 card hand with no immediate threat, but had 2 lands, Serum Visions, and 3 Gitaxian Probes. Feeling bold and a little reckless, I kept it, immediately paying 6 life for all 3 Probes, then casting Serum Visions. Now I had nothing but gas, resolving a Delver turn 2 and protecting it from a Pyroclasm with a Spell Pierce. From there, I was able to beat down fast enough to take the win.
I felt impressed with Vapor Snag here; this card has been overperforming for me. Not only is it a mainboard answer to Splinter Twin and an effective soft-counter to Tasigur (taking life, opening the way for an attack, eating tempo and the opponent's resources), it can be a good answer to things like Wurmcoil Engine and can help protect a Delver (even if I have to replay and reflip it) and offer me replays of Snapcaster Mage. I was also impressed with Spell Pierce here; this card has been on my bad list lately and I was even considering cutting it, but it seemed quite good in counterspell fights, even if usually only want it early game. It has definitely been helpful in protecting an early Delver and is usually my best out against a Planeswalker or enchantment.
Record: 1-0-1
Round 3: UR Twin
I played against an opponent that was new to me, Kyle. I was immediately impressed by how pimped out his deck is; he was running very fancy copies of good cards (FNM promo Remand, Judge's promo Serum Visions, etc). Apparently he has been playing for a long time, but has only recently started playing Modern. Clearly he'd dumped lots of money into it, however.
Game 1 was overall very solid for me. Another early Delver applied too much pressure, backed up by a Young Pyromancer. He slowed me down a bit with a Deceiver Exarch, which put me on alert for Splinter Twin, so I kept a Vapor Snag with counterspell backup close to hand, though I was not confident in my ability to win a counterspell war at this point in the game. Fortunately, he didn't have it and was only playing Exarch to slow me down. I took the win here after swinging with everything past Exarch.
Game 2, I brought in my usual Negate/Dispel package, as well as a Combust to take out an Exarch when Twin was cast on it. Here, I kept another solid 1-land hand, but was met with an Engineered Explosives for 0 on his turn 1. This meant that he could eliminate any number of flipped Delver of Secrets and Pyromancer tokens I had, but I played my turn 1 Delver anyways and aggressively payed life for Probes and lands. I played to eat his first Explosives and force him to fire it off against only one Delver, even after I drew an additional one. To my surprise, he took damage from it several times, refusing to crack the Explosives until I got him down well under 10 life. I played my second Delver, but was met with a setback as he resolved Spellskite and took away a Vapor Snag with Vendillion Clique.
I played dangerously this game and my risk was rewarded. At one point I shocked myself with a land to go to 3 so I could do my best to ensure that I could fight against a Twin attempt, hoping that he did not have a series of Lightning Bolts. I dispelled the Bolt he had, then he made a critical error when he swung with Clique for the kill, which ate a Lightning Bolt of my own. Had he Gitaxian Probed first, he might not have attempted that line and tried to find another bolt or a counterspell. He did resolve an Exarch, however, and between this and the Spellskite, I could not get enough burn or damage through to kill him, and I found myself desperately hoping to find another Bolt or a flipped Delver to beat him. I managed to get through with a second flipped Delver for the win.
I have enjoyed my matchups against UR Twin, I feel it is well favored for me on the play. Again, Vapor Snag shines here and I have done better since I learned not to board in Blood Moon.
Record: 2-0-1
Round 4: 4 Color Control
This was an interesting one. Brian's cousin, Shawn, came this week with a 4-color-no-red brew he made and I was impressed. It seemed basically a combination of Abzan and Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, with some counterspells and Creeping Tar Pit.
We both mulliganed Game 1, Shawn to 5 on the play and me to 6. He Thoughtseized me turn 1, taking away my Young Pyromancer, but leaving himself at 15 life already. I aggressively payed life as well, finding a Grim Lavamancer and going through a few draw spells. I bolted his first Jace, while he attempted to find a decent threat and continuing to pay life. I drew a few burn spells, which, in combination with Vapor Snagging two Lingering Souls tokens, allowed me to burn him out at his low life total.
Game 2 I brought in Blood Moon, Dispel and Negate, and Izzet Staticaster for the Lingering Souls tokens. Shawn kept 7 and I mulliganed to 6 again, and the game played out similarly, though Shawn payed life less aggressively. I found several Lightning Bolts and a Grim Lavamancer, finally playing Bolt+Bolt on one turn, then Snap+Bolt+Grim Lavamancer on his turn, then Forked Bolt+Grim Lavamancer for the win.
Shawn's deck was interesting, but I felt that it was not a good matchup against me. Blood Moon seemed like it would be devastating, even if he had one of each basic and no double-colored spells. Path to Exile and Abrupt Decay do seem good against me, but without Lightning Bolt I wasn't sure if he could carry it all the way.
Record: 3-0-1
Overall it was another solid night!! I have been very impressed with the deck thus far, even if it's not arguably "Tier 1." I'm not sure if I've just been playing very well, if the deck is overperforming, or if UR Delver really can just be that good with the proper shell. I would like to experiment with Jace, Vryn's Prodigy myself, but need to pick up a couple of extra copies and I'm not quite sure what to cut. So far, I'm considering cutting the Grim Lavamancers and shaving a Snapcaster Mage (since they fill similar roles), but the burn power of Grim and the not-attacking of Jace do concern me. But thus far I feel like the greatest problem with UR Delver right now is that it can really run out of steam if an opponent manages to disassemble my threat package or if I have a bad draw or I'm unlucky. Jace seems like he could really help with filtering through excess lands (I really don't need any after three or four, and I'm running as low as I can get with 18), but when I have so many cards in the graveyard, he could flip really easily. This could be good to flashback Serum Visions or Lightning Bolt, but doesn't really help with the simple card filtering I need.
Testing shall continue! I'll post results as I'm able to receive them.